Osho, one of the most provocative and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time, provides here a practical and comprehensive approach to dealing with this conflict effectively. But by repressing our emotions-even in the benevolent guise of “self-control”-we only risk hurting ourselves. We fear that by expressing our true feelings, we will hurt and alienate those close to us. Transforming Fear, Anger, and Jealousy into Creative Energy How do we reconcile our need to express our emotions with our desire to protect others? Far too often we find ourselves trapped in this dilemma of expression versus repression. Commenting on eleven Zen anecdotes, Osho explores the spiritual search, speaking on emptiness and no-mind, knowledge and being belief and trust.

This essential Zen reader is also about a number of other themes - cowardice, boredom and restlessness, recognition and rejection, maturity and moving from the.

Read eBook on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. Read Emotional Wellness by Osho by Osho for free with a 30 day free trial. Osho zen books download, osho sufi books download, osho meditation books, osho tantra books, osho tao books download. Osho books free download - pdf books of osho freely available for download. Content: Osho says that laughter is 'the very essence of Zen.' And though the theme of this series is meditation-watching, remaining alert and aware-as the only.