However, the community is not made up of one person, so most might say that your claim that "the community bends over backwards" doesn't really match up when I was ignored on Discord and responded to by only one person Exile. lol But you are correct, that one person did respond to me with a helpful link, and then followed up ( after I made my original post on this page) with a much more helpful link for basics. This isn't readily apparent on Exile, even when looking through the tutorials there certainly isn't a "Klub17 for dummies." The person helping me hadn't even gotten Hook 5 to work. Which would encompass what the hell VX even is, what hook is and what it does, when and how to upload mods.

There really wasn't much of a guide for basics. Or what Hook is and if it comes first before mods or if it doesn't matter at all.

A guide for mods and addons isn't really that helpful when you do not understand the fundamentals of what "Vx" even is (ESPECIALLY coming from this version). Again, the game has tons of potential and you could certainly find help if you're patient enough.Ĭlick to expand.There really isn't much of debate. I am in the midst of finals so I don't have time to fiddle with it, but I look forward to when I can. I eventually found a basic guide from another newbie. Is there a video, or basic tutorial somewhere that covers the basics? For instance, I grabbed the hook 5 download and the game download, what files go where and what should I overwrite? Any assistance is greatly appreciated!" There are so many files in the initial download that I don't know what goes where, or what I need to do to make this game worth a damn. I figured out how to refresh the models, but I have not figured out how to do a basic install of Hook 5, or how to install other basic things. What I have gathered is a few basic things from messing around. "I am super confused, I have never really used klub17 before and I can't find a basic guide for how to set up the game, even after a basic download.